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"The best music & books for babies ever!"


"Seriously, whenever I put this CD on in car, the kids go from unsettled crazy kids to calm and peaceful kiddies. Both Macie and Drew love listening to the songs. Drew gets upset with the little breaks between the songs! haha".


"Love the Bubsibrain Sing Baby Sing CD. So upbeat and catchy. Perfect for creating a routine with all bases covered. A special activity to share with bub through the day singing along and lovely settling sleep music perfect for babies sweet dreams. Our daughter loves it! Would recommend as a gift or purchase for any new parent!"


"The book pack is amazing! I actually purchased three packs because the books are so good! One for my son Patrick who is ten months, one for my niece who is now a year old and one for my friends little boy who is 4 months. All the kids and parents love the books. Paddy's favourite is Hip The Hippo. The books are easy to follow, nice big pictures and they can survive those busy little hands getting ahold of them :) I would often use them to help with tummy time, pop a book in front of him and he would happily stay there lifting his head to look at the pictures".


"Paddy and I have enjoyed the CD as well. He definitely has his favourite songs (Peek-a-Boo and Eyes, Ears and Nose), which he now dances around to. I'm sure he likes it because mummy gets to be silly with him too :) I have really enjoyed the packs. I think they make really great gifts for anyone with a baby or a baby on the way. I will definitely be purchasing more for family and friends". 


"Banjo loves the music and dances around the house to Here Comes The Choo Choo Train! Simon loves reading the books to him at night too, we all love them so much!"


"My boys and I love our Bubsi Brain CD. It is by far our favourite children's CD and it is constantly on in our car. The boys find it really relaxing and enjoy singing along. It makes any car trip much more fun and much less stressful. I highly recommend it!!"


"Lifesaver! My 11 month old has just started throwing big tantrums while I change his nappy. I play your music and he completely chills and lets me change his nappy!! Also he hates the car and when I put your music on, he'll chill out straight away and within 2 songs he'll be asleep."


"My 2 kids are 4 and 20mths, they just love the bubsi brain album, we are listening to it right now and they are loving it... especially 'everybody sing'... thanks bubsi brain!" X


"Love, love, love my Busbsibrain CD! It's a life changer! Newborn through to toddler and my little ones still dance their pants off to it!"


"Best settling tool! Bubsi Brain cd made those tricky moments not just better but fun...complete with the most perfect sound in the world my baby's giggles!"


"Our little boy just loves your music! It's been a life saver for in the car as well as great for settling. Thank you!!"

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